There are many ways you can start your circle that will turn into a square. Here is a playlist, pick your favorite way to start here!
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I'm using the CH 4 starting method for my example blanket/SQ

Row 1: Make 1 DC into the circle you created

Then work 10 DC into the center of your circle

SL ST into the 1st DC made in this circle

Row 2: Make 3 CHs
(If you start with a new color, attach to any ST)

Make 1 DC into the same ST as the CHs you just made

Make 2 DC into the next ST

Make 2 DC into the next ST

Make 2 DC into each ST around, then SL ST into the 1st DC made in this row to complete it

Row 3: Make 3 CHs
(If you start with a new color, attach to any ST)

Make 1 DC into the same ST as the CHs you just made

Make 1 DC into the next ST

*Make 2 DC into the next ST

Make 1 DC into the next ST

Repeat the steps above from *, making 2 DC then 1 DC into each ST around
Then SL ST into the 1st DC made in this row to complete it
This is where I would Fasten Off this 1st color, tutorial here!

Row 4: Make 3 CHs
Attach your new color to any ST to start, this is the row where we turn this circle into a square

Make 1 DC into the same ST as CH 3

Make 1 CH and 2 DC into that same ST
This is your 1st corner

*Make 1 HDC into the next ST

Make 1 HDC into the next ST

Make 1 SC into the next 3 STs

Make 1 HDC into the next 2 STs
So your sides will be: 2 HDC, 3 SC, 2 HDC

We're at the next corner,
make 2 DC into the next ST

Make 1 CH

Make 2 DC into that same ST

Repeat the steps above from * around, SL ST into the 1st CHs made in this row to complete
Fasten Off this row, tutorial here!

Row 5: Start at corner space, CH 2

Make 1 HDC into the same corner space

Make 2 CHs

Make 1 HDC into the same corner space

Make 1 HDC into the same corner space

*Make 1 HDC into each ST across until you reach the next corner

Make 2 HDC into the next corner space

Make 2 CHs

Make 2 HDC into the same corner space

Repeat the steps above from *, SL ST into the 1st CHs you made in this row to complete
Fasten Off this row, tutorial here!

So from here, I made 10 X 10 rows of these squares. So, 100 total squares. I joined them together using the Windsor Join, tutorial here!

This is what the Playful Polka Dot Blanket should look like when completed!
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Check out this playlist featuring more free blanket patterns here!
Here are some more blanket patterns to check out:
Soft Daydream Blanket, pattern here!
Radiate Joy Blanket, pattern here!
Heartfelt Spirit Afghan, pattern here!
You can find video tutorials from me here!
More crochet patterns from me here!
& photo tutorials from me here! 💓
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