Starting from the beginning, make any # of CHs
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Row 1: Make 1 HDC into the 2nd CH from your hook

So for the regular linked HDC stitch, you use the middle loop of the HDC you just made
But for the modified version we will be using the bottom loop, shown above

Insert your hook into that 3rd loop of the ST you just made, grab that yarn and pull it through, pulling up one loop on your hook
2 loops on your hook total

Insert your hook into the next CH, grab that yarn and pull it through, pulling up one loop on your hook
3 loops on your hook total

Yarn over your hook one time

Take that yarn through all three loops on your hook, to complete that Modified Linked HDC ST

*So same thing now, using that modified linked HDC we just made
Insert your hook into that 3rd loop of the ST you just made, grab that yarn and pull it through, pulling up one loop on your hook
2 loops on your hook total

Insert your hook into the next CH, grab that yarn and pull it through, pulling up one loop on your hook
3 loops on your hook total

Yarn over your hook one time

Take that yarn through all three loops on your hook, to complete that next Modified Linked HDC ST

Repeat the steps above from * for the rest of Row 1

Row 2: Make 2 CHs

Make 1 HDC into the 1st ST

*So we'll start our Modified Linked HDC STs again,
Insert your hook into that 3rd loop of the ST you just made, grab that yarn and pull it through, pulling up one loop on your hook
2 loops on your hook total

Insert your hook into the next ST, grab that yarn and pull it through, pulling up one loop on your hook
3 loops on your hook total

Yarn over your hook one time

Take that yarn through all three loops on your hook, to complete that next Modified Linked HDC ST

Repeat the steps above from * for the rest of Row 2
Repeat Row 2 for however long you want your project

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Check out this playlist featuring more Stitches with Beautiful Texture here!
The Vintage Chevron Block Stitch, tutorial here!
The Bar Stitch, tutorial here!
The Alpine Stitch, tutorial here!