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Thanks for visiting my page! Here is a written tutorial with photos on how to make the Crochet Puff Stitch!

First, with any project you'll need a crochet hook and yarn. Any yarn or hook will do for learning this stitch.
For this stitch you'll need to know how to make chains, tutorial here!
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You'll start with yarning over your hook, then inserting your hook into the next stitch you want to work.
Puff stitches can be wider depending on how many times you pull up loops (which we will get to), so I suggest working Puff Stitches into looser stitches or stitches with openings. I made the Linen Stitch for my swatch in the above picture. I have a free tutorial for that stitch here! I used the Linen Stitch because the Puff Stitch fits perfectly between the 2 SCs used to make the Linen Stitch.

After pulling that yarn through the stitch, pulling up 1 loop on your hook, you would then yarn over again, insert your hook again and pull up another loop.

You would then repeat this 'yarn over, insert your hook, pull up a loop' motion until you have as many loops as you want for your puff stitch. You can make it as big or as small as you would look. I typically make mine between 3-8 pulls.

One you have a bunch of loops on your hook (you can see I have 8 on this puff) you would yarn over one more time, then take that yarn through all the loops on your hook. (Shown above and below)

To secure these loops and this stitch you would then CH 1 to close the top of the stitch. Tutorial on how to make chains here!

This is what the Crochet Puff Stitch should look like when completed!
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Check out this playlist featuring Stitches with Beautiful Texture here!
Here are some more unique stitches to check out:
The Popcorn Stitch, tutorial here!
The Bobble Stitch, tutorial here!
The Mock Popcorn Stitch, tutorial here!
You can find video tutorials from me here!
More crochet patterns from me here!
& photo tutorials from me here! 💗
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