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Thanks for visiting my page! Here is a written guide with photos on how to Identify The Front & Back Of Your Work + How To Turn Your Work for any crochet project!

You won't need any crochet hooks for this tutorial! 🎉

The first thing I want to go over is how to identify the front of your work. There are a couple ways you can tell which side is the front from the back. The first being that the tail of yarn made from your original chain row will be on the left side of your work. (Shown Above) Another way is also shown on the chain row. You can see on the picture above that the chain row makes a small braid at the bottom of my swatch. (Shown Above and Below)

So now the picture above is showing the back of my swatch. So I want to go over how you can identify the back of your work. First the tail of yarn is now on the right side. Also notice on the bottom of the swatch, on the chain row there is no ridge or braid.
Now to turn your work, you would do simply that when you reach the end of any row. You would flip your work to the other side.

I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial! 😎✌👏
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Check out this playlist featuring more beginner tutorials here!
Here are some more crochet techniques to check out:
What Tools To Buy, tutorial here!
How To Make A Yarn Ball, tutorial here!
The Magic Knot, tutorial here!
You can find video tutorials from me here!
More crochet patterns from me here!
& photo tutorials from me here! 💗
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