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Thanks for visiting my page! I wanted to gather some knowledge on what tools to pick up at the store if you are a beginner crocheter or just wanting to start!

The first things I would suggest thinking about is what yarn you want to work with. It can be overwhelming when visiting a store with so many options.
My first tip is to pick one yarn skein of either a color you love or your favorite color to start with.

Work with that 1 skein of yarn or ball of yarn; learning how to use a hook, learning crochet stitches, etc. Then when you feel confident with what you learn, you could go pick up more yarn later to experiment with!
My second tip is to pick a medium weight yarn; Not too bulky and not too thin. The yarn I have pictured above is a medium weight yarn.
The yarn I have featured here is Red Heart Yarn in Jadeite! You can buy this yarn here! 💖

Once you pick a skein of yarn you want, then focus on either a small pack of crochet hooks or even just getting one crochet hook.
It can be overwhelming when you see big packs of hooks at the store. You could pick those up to play around with, but I would suggested grabbing a smaller pack to get used to first. Practice with them, figure out if you even like that brand, etc. Then when you are more familiar you could invest in more hooks if you want.
I'd suggest sticking with a middle range hook. Nothing too big or too small to work with. Above I have pictured my H Hook, I Hook and J Hook. When making projects I typically work with these hooks because they are mid tier.
You can pick up these crochet hooks here! 💗

My next tip would be picking a pair of dedicated scissors for crochet or just for crafting. It helps feel less chaotic when learning if you aren't looking everywhere for a pair of scissors!
I would also suggest getting a pretty sharp pair for cutting through yarn. I have had many pairs and I find these are my favorite because they are sharp. You can buy these scissors here! 💓

I put this suggestion out there if you want to pick some up. These are jumbo plastic sewing needles. They making weaving in your ends super easy. I just wanted to throw this suggestion out, but you don't really need these as a beginner. But if you hate sewing or weaving thing, maybe these would help? I find them to be helpful!
You can pick these up plastic sewing needles here! 💞

Another item that isn't necessary to pick up, but has made my crocheting life so much easier! LOL These stitch markers are colorful and easy to use with projects. You could also make your own stitch markers from safety pins and other things from home, but I thought I would suggest these anyway! I invested in a 100 pack a few years ago and still have so many. They aren't too expensive either!
You can buy these stitch markers here! ❤
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Check out this playlist featuring more beginner tutorials here!
Here are some more crochet techniques to check out:
The Magic Knot, tutorial here!
How To Use Stitch Markers, tutorial here!
How To Skip Stitches, tutorial here!
You can find video tutorials from me here!
More crochet patterns from me here!
& photo tutorials from me here! 💗
You can follow me on all social media @crochetmelovely!
Also, like & subscribe to my Youtube Channel to see more videos from me!
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