Starting from the beginning make an odd number of chains

Row 1: Let's make our 1st Simple Daisy Stitch:
Insert your hook into the 2nd CH from your hook, pull up 1 loop

Insert your hook into the next CH from your hook, pull up 1 loop

Skip 1 CH, Insert your hook into the next CH from your hook, pull up 1 loop
Yarn over your hook 1 time

Take that yarn through all loops on your hook

Make 1 CH to secure them all together

*Next Simple Daisy ST: Insert your hook into the CH you just made, pull up 1 loop

Insert your hook into the CH you had just made the last Simple Daisy ST in, pull up 1 loop

Skip 1 CH, Insert your hook into the next CH from your hook, pull up 1 loop

Yarn over your hook 1 time

Take that yarn through all loops on your hook

Make 1 CH to secure them

Repeat the steps above from * for the rest of your row

Row 2: Make 3 CHs

Insert your hook into the 2nd CH from the CHs you just made
We are using this CH like the one we worked into in our last row

Insert your hook into the 1st ST, pull up 1 loop

Skip 1 ST, Insert your hook into the next ST, pull up 1 loop

Yarn over your hook 1 time

Take that yarn through all the loops on your hook

Make 1 CH to secure them together

You're going to repeat the steps from Row 1 from * for the rest of your row, until you have 1 ST left in your row

Make 1 HDC into the last ST of your row
Repeat Row 2 for however long you want your project

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Check out this playlist featuring more Stitches with Beautiful Texture here!
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The Open Window Stitch, tutorial here!
Boxed Picot Stitch, tutorial here!
Royal Ridge Stitch, tutorial here!