Starting from the beginning make CHs in the multiple of 4 + 2
❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈ ❈

Row 1: Make 1 SC into the 2nd CH from your hook

Then make 1 SC into each CH across

Row 2: CH 7

Skip 2 STs, make 1 SC into the next ST

*Make 7 CHs

Skip 3 STs, make 1 SC into the next ST

Repeat the steps above from * until you have 2 STs left in your row

Skip 1 ST, make 1 SC into the last ST

Row 3: Make 1 CH

Make 1 SC into previous CH 7 space

Make 3 CHs

Make 1 SC into previous CH 7 space

*Make 3 CHs

Make 1 SC into previous CH 7 space

Repeat the steps above from * for the rest of your row

Row 4: Make 1 CH

Make 1 SC into the 1st ST of your row

Make 3 SC into the next previous CH 3 space

Make 1 SC into the next previous SC

*Make 3 SC into the next previous CH 3 space

Make 1 SC into the next previous SC

Repeat the steps above from * for the rest of your row
Repeat Rows 2, 3, & 4 in order for however long you want your project

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Check out this playlist featuring more Lace like Stitches here!
The Felicity Stitch, tutorial here!
The Spiked Sedge Stitch, tutorial here!
Lined Bobbles Stitch, tutorial here!