Starting from the beginning, make chains in the multiple of 2 + 1
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Row 1: We're going to immediately start making Glover STs: Insert your hook into the 2nd CH from your hook

Yarn over your hook 1 time

Insert your hook into the next CH, pull up a loop on your hook

Yarn over your hook 1 time

Take that yarn through all 4 loops on your hook

Make 1 CH to secure it all together, So that's 1 Glover ST made

*To continue, insert your hook into the next CH

Yarn over your hook 1 time

Insert your hook into the next CH, pulling up 1 loop on your hook

Yarn over your hook 1 time

Take that yarn through all 4 loops on your hook

Make 1 CH to secure it all together, another Glover ST made

Repeat the steps above from * for the rest of Row 1

Row 2: Make 2 CHs

Insert your hook into the 1st CH out of the 2 CHs you just made, pulling up a loop on your hook

Yarn over your hook 1 time

Insert your hook into the Front Loop of the next ST, pulling up 1 loop on your hook

Yarn over your hook 1 time

Take that yarn through all 4 loops on your hook

Make 1 CH to secure it all together

*To continue, insert your hook into the next ST, pulling up 1 loop on your hook

Yarn over your hook 1 time

Insert your hook into the Front Loop of the next ST, pulling up 1 loop on your hook

Yarn over your hook 1 time

Take that yarn through all 4 loops on your hook

Make 1 CH to secure it all together

Repeat the steps above from * for the rest of Row 2
Repeat Row 2 for however long you want your project

This is what the Glover Stitch looks like when completed!
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Post & Shells Stitch, tutorial here!
Half Double Crochet Cluster Stitch, tutorial here!
The Fir Stitch, tutorial here!