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Thanks for visiting my page! Here is a written tutorial with photos on how to make the Staggered Squares Stitch!

First, with any project you'll need a crochet hook and yarn. Any yarn or hook will do for learning this stitch.
For this tutorial you'll need to know how to make Chains (CH), I have a tutorial here! How to make the Single Crochet Stitch (SC), tutorial here! And how to make the Double Crochet Stitch (DC), tutorial here!
Starting from the beginning, make chains in the multiple of 8 + 5
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Row 1: Make 3 CHs
(Skip to next step if working into CHs)

Skip 1st ST, 1 DC into next 2 STs
(Work 1 DC into 4th CH from hook if working into chains, then 1 DC into next CH)

Make 2 CHs
(Make 2 CHs then skip 2 CHs if working into CHs)

Make 1 SC into 1st open space from previous CH 2 space
(Make 1 SC into next CH if working into CHs)

*Make 2 CHs
(Make 2 CHs then skip 2 CHs if working into CHs)

1 DC into next 3 STs/CHs

Make 2 CHs
(Make 2 CHs then skip 2 CHs if working into CHs)

Make 1 SC into 1st open space from previous CH 3
(Make 1 SC into next CH if working into CHs)

Repeat the steps above from * until you reach the last 3 STs/CHs of your row

1 DC into the last 3 STs/CHs of your row

Row 2: Make 3 CHs

Skip 1st ST, 1 DC into next 2 STs

Skip previous 2 CHs, 1 DC into previous SC

Make 2 CHs

Make 3 DC over the previous DC just made

*Skip previous 2 CHs, 1 DC into previous 3 DC in last row

Skip previous 2 CHs, 1 DC into previous SC

Make 2 CHs

Make 3 DC over the previous DC just made

Repeat the steps above from * until you reach the last 3 STs of your row

1 DC into last 3 STs of your row
Alternate between these 2 rows for however long you want your project

This is what the Staggered Squares Stitch should look like when completed!
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Check out this playlist featuring Lace like Stitches here!
Some other unique stitches to check out:
Vertical Posts Stitch, tutorial here!
The Mayberry Stitch, tutorial here!
The Crumpled Griddle Stitch, tutorial here!
You can find video tutorials from me here!
More crochet patterns from me here!
& photo tutorials from me here! 💗
You can follow me on all social media @crochetmelovely!
Also, like & subscribe to my Youtube Channel to see more videos from me!
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